Jala neti is one of the simplest yet a very powerful and effective method to provide relief from allergies, common colds and in several cases of Asthma . Jala Neti works wonders for chronic sinusitis.

- Soothes dry nasal passages.
- Gently washes away dust, pollen, and environmental irritants.
- Offsets the effects of breathing dry indoor air .
- Removes excess mucus…naturally.
- Headaches (incl. Migraine).
- Improved Sleep.
- Psychological Imbalances, such as: anxiety, low self confidence.
- Helps you breathe freer when practicing yoga or meditation
- Facilitates in maintaining youthfulness.
- It has a remarkable effect on upper respiratory tract infections, especially hay fever.
Over 40 Million people in the US alone suffer from sinusitis and are growing resistant to antibiotics. Several experience some sort of side effects. Jalaneti is the best way of treating your sinuses naturally.
Trataka - This kriya is for cleansing and strengthening the eyes. The eyes are focussed usually on a small object or the flame of the lamp in a dark room, without blinking, until they water.
Nauli Chalana - The rectus-abdominii (abdominal column) is churned left and right in this kriya. This deeply massages the stomach internally.