Brennan Healing Science is based on the teachings of former NASA scientist, Barbara Brennan, author of the classic ‘Hands of Light’ and ‘Light Emerging’. BHS is a powerful energy healing method that uses laying-on of hands to direct energy through the practitioner to clear, restructure, balance and re-charge the seven levels of the Human Energy Field (aura) and deeper levels of your psycho spiritual being. The healings support you in creating a life that expresses your highest intention and your unique qualities and abilities.

A Brennan Healing Science practitioner is able to work on a client's energy field, using over 60 healings skills. This helps to repair, strengthen, restructure and balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the client's health, bringing about profound healing and also awakens the healing powers inherent within each one of us.

The following are the benefits that a client can derive when receiving sessions from a Practitioner of Brennan Healing Science®
- An overall state of physical healing on many levels.
- Increased sense of well-being and emotional stability.
- Ability to create healthy, fulfilling relationships and balanced lives.
- Empowers one to deal with life issues on various levels.
- Decreases both acute and chronic pains.
- Decreases recovery time from illnesses and recovery time post operatively.
- The intention and the ability to accomplish life goals through Hara healings.
- Bring forth one's unique gifts with Core Star healings.
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